Terms & Conditions

General information


The buyer's specific attention is drawn to the fact that the price may fluctuate depending on the size of the order and if the buyer determines to make an order of 1,000 litres and then later reduces it the buyer’s end price may increase as a result and reflection of the order size.


Orders placed online or over the phone must be delivered to the customer within 2 weeks of the order being placed. If an order is placed and delivery requested after 14 days, then the customer will be contacted by Corrib Oil to arrange a delivery prior to the 14th Day.


Please note that online orders cannot be split between multiple addresses.

Rewards Terms and Conditions


The Promotor of the Corrib Oil Rewards loyalty Scheme in the Republic of Ireland is Corrib Oil Company Ltd.


Points can only be earned while making a purchase. Therefore, your Corrib Oil rewards QR code must be presented to the cashier at the checkout whilst making a purchase or your tag number for orders over the telephone when ordering home heating oil.


1 point will be awarded for every €1 you spend on any item in store with the exception of petrol or diesel. Petrol or diesel purchases earn 1 point for every €10 spend. Special offers will be available occasionally with the purchase of Fuel at participating Corrib Oil Sites. You can redeem your points at Corrib Oil Shops and Supermarkets only as a discount against your purchase directly at checkout. Points cannot be redeemed against Home Heating Oil or at any Corrib Oil Fuel Depot. Points will be deducted for the value of refunds redeemed.


Rewards tags must be registered either by completing form instore or completing form www.corriboil.com or on the Corrib Oil App. Rewards points cannot be redeemed instore unless the rewards tag is registered with your name


The Promoter may vary the periods of when points may be 'saved' and when points may be 'redeemed'. Points will be accumulated on every purchase (excluding restricted items, see point 6 below)


Points cannot be earned in respect of the purchase of the following: Alcohol products (does not affect non-alcoholic items), tobacco products, medicines, infant formula products, phone top ups, phone cards, lottery tickets, deposit Return Scheme deposit fees, vending machine purchases, gift vouchers and saving stamps. Other products may be added or excluded at the discretion of the Promoter or by operation of law.


You will be able to earn points in any participating Corrib Oil Site in the Republic of Ireland.


The Promoter reserves the right to reject any tag if they deem that it has been forged or otherwise tampered with.


In Order to collect points for home heating oil the order must be prepaid on or before delivery by cash, credit/debit card. Points earned from buying home-heating oil can only be redeemed in a Corrib Oil Service Station Shop.


Your Corrib Oil Rewards loyalty scheme tag remains the property of the Promoter and must be surrendered if so requested. The tag can only be used in participating Corrib Oil service stations. The Promoter reserves the right to refuse to issue a membership tag and may terminate or otherwise alter the Corrib Oil Rewards loyalty scheme without prior notice. The Promoter’s decision shall be final and binding in all matters regarding the Corrib Oil Rewards loyalty scheme.


Your Corrib Oil Rewards loyalty scheme, Corrib Oil tag is not a credit, payment or cheque guarantee card.


If you have not made any purchases during a period of 12 months, you may be eliminated from the scheme. You may rejoin the scheme at any time. At your written request, your name can be removed from Corrib Oil Rewards loyalty scheme.


When you register your Rewards tag on www.corriboil.com or the Corrib Oil APP you can view your own personal information and your transaction history.


Points cannot be used in respect of the purchase of Alcohol products.

Smart Gauge Service

This service is available to Homeowners Only.

By Signing up to this Plan, I agree to allow Corrib Oil Company and/or it's representative to install a Tank Gauge on my home heating oil tank, to monitor the oil levels in my tank and grant permission to Corrib Oil Company and/or it's representative to remove the gauge from my tank in the event of cessation of payment.

If I have a Corrib Oil Home Heat Plan, I authorise Corrib Oil to top up my oil automatically in line with my credit terms as required.

The Smart Gauge remains the property of Corrib Oil at all times.

The Monitoring Service price may be subject to review.

Direct debits unpaid/cancelled without notice will result in cessation of monitoring service and gauge being removed.

Returned Direct Debits will be subject to a fee.

Gift Cards


The Corrib Oil gift card is not a credit, debit or charge card.


The Corrib Oil gift card may not be exchanged for cash or other gift cards


No change will be returned but the balance of the card can be used for future purchases.


Corrib Oil will not be held liable for lost or stolen cards


We reserve the right to amend the Terms and Conditions


Corrib Oil gift cards are only valid in Corrib Oil outlets in the Republic of Ireland


Gift Cards are valid for 5 years from date of purchase


Please contact info@corriboil.com for full terms and conditions