Privacy Policy


Corrib Oil Company ULC, registered address Unit 16, EBI House, Galway Technology Park, Parkmore, Galway is the data controller of any personal data you provide in the context of engaging our services. We are committed to protecting your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) & Data Protection Acts 2018, 2003 & 1988. Corrib Oil is not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of any external websites. Any external links to other websites within this website are clearly identifiable as such.

Cookie Policy

Corrib Oil uses cookies as part of our loyalty program. If you register for our loyalty program, cookies will be used to remember your session from page to page. If you are logged in, they will also be used to populate your order details if you are ordering oil. This is to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Please note that you are always free to decline cookies, or you can set your browser to alert you when a cookie is being sent. You can delete cookie files from your computer at any time.

Data Protection Officer

Our Data Protection Officer oversees how we collect, use, share and protect your information to ensure your rights are fulfilled. You can contact our Data Protection Officer at or by writing to them at: Data Protection Officer, Corrib Oil Company ULC, Unit 16, EBI House, Galway Technology Park, Parkmore, Galway.

What information is collected?

This website collects the following type of information from all users. Personal Information is defined as data that identifies you or can be used to identify or contact you and may include your name, address, email address and telephone number, information preferences and user IP addresses in circumstances where they have not been deleted, clipped or made anonymous. Such information is only collected from you if you voluntarily submit it. Non-Personal Information Corrib Oil will gather statistical and other analytical information on an aggregate basis. This Non-Personal Data cannot be used to identify or contact you. It includes data such as demographic information regarding, for example, user IP addresses where they have been clipped or anonymous, browser types and other anonymous statistical data involving the use of this website.

To use your information lawfully, we rely on one or more of the following legal bases:

Performance of a contract;

Legal obligation;

Protecting the vital interests of you or others;

Public interest;

Our legitimate interests;

Your consent.

Why does this website collect this data?

Corrib Oil will use the non-personal data collected on this site to gain a better understanding of where site visitors come from and to help improve the layout and content of the website.

Corrib Oil will use your personal data for the following purposes:


To process and deliver any goods or services you have ordered;


To contact you in connection with any goods or services you have ordered;


To respond to any enquiry or application form you submit;


To send you emails and/or text messages if you have opted into these services, or if it is within our legitimate interests to do so;


To contact you in connection with any competitions you have entered.


To process any applications in our Recruitment section;


To process any Subject Access Requests;


To process any credit or trade references if you apply to for a Corrib Oil Fuel Card;

Will this data be shared with any Third Parties?

Corrib Oil may provide non-personal data to third parties but only if the information is in aggregate form and is combined with similar information of other users of our website. For example, we might disclose the number of unique users of our site to a third party or users activities on the website e.g. number of users to complete an online purchase. These third parties may include website tracking services, commercial partners, researchers and other similar parties. Corrib Oil will only disclose your personal data to a third party if they are required to fulfil your order, or to comply with any applicable law, summons, search warrant, court or regulatory order, or other statutory requirement.

Is my personal data secured?

Your personal data is held on a secure server hosted by Corrib Oil's internet service provider. When you provide your personal data through our website or our mobile app, this information is securely protected using encryption. Where data is stored electronically, we have implemented appropriate security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised access, alteration, destruction or disclosure. Access to and management of data is limited to those staff members who have appropriate authorisation. The nature of the Internet is such that we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us via the Internet. No data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. However, we will take all reasonable steps to protect your personal data.

How long will we hold your information?

Personal data will be kept for as long as it is legally required to be kept or for as long as the business has a legitimate need to keep the data for the purposes for which it is original collected.
Other information will be retained by us for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was obtained or as required or permitted for legal, regulatory, fraud prevention and legitimate business purposes.

Your Rights

You have a number of rights as a data subject as outlined below, which you may choose to exercise at any time by downloading our Subject Access Request form (here) & returning to us by post or by email to (Please note that you will be required to verify your identity in order for this request to be completed, which is to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.)

Right to Access

Where you wish to access a copy of your personal data held by us, you may do so and we will respond to this request in 30 days.

Rectification of Personal Data

Where you wish the data that we hold on you to be rectified


Where you wish to exercise your right to have your personal data erased, we will do so without undue delay, subject to the exemptions provided for in Article 17(3) of the GDPR.

Restriction of processing

You have the right to obtain restriction of processing of your personal data where you contest the accuracy of the data for a period allowing us to verify the accuracy of the data; where the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your data and request the restriction of its use instead; where we no longer need the data for the purposes for which it was collected but it is required by you for legal purposes; where you have objected to the processing pursuant to Article 21(1).

Right to Object

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data where your data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests or on the basis of public interest.

Right to Data Portability

Where technically feasible, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller.
In addition, subjects are free to withdraw consent at any time. If you withdraw your consent, it will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on your consent before its withdrawal.
If you would like more information on your rights, you can also contact our Data Protection Officer.
In the event that you wish to make a complaint, this can be done by following the link to the Data Protection Commission Website

Changes to the Website Privacy Policy

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this website so you are always aware of the information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If at any time we decide to use personal data in a manner significantly different from that stated in this Privacy Policy, or otherwise disclosed to you at the time it was collected, we will notify you by email, and you will have a choice as to whether or not we use your information in the new manner.
Last Updated: August 2024


This site may from time to time make available, chat rooms, forums, message boards, and similar media for members to express views and ideas. It should be noted that information posted to these areas becomes public information and Corrib Oil advises that no personal details should be disclosed in such areas.



"Distributor" shall mean Corrib Oil Company Limited its Subsidiary and Associated companies and/or businesses including but not limited to: Midland Oil Limited, Geraghty Oil Products Limited Shannonside Oil Limited, Cloonan Oil, Roscrea Oil, Ruby Oil Limited, Nick Hayes Oil Products Ltd and Kelly Oil Limited their successors and assigns or any person acting on behalf of and with the authority of Corrib Oil Company Limited its Subsidiary and Associated companies and/or businesses


"Customer" shall mean the person or entity described as such on the invoices or any other forms to which these terms and conditions apply, and shall mean any person acting on behalf of and with the authority of such person or entity.


"Goods" shall mean Goods supplied by the Distributor to the Customer as described on the invoices or any other forms as provided by the Distributor to the Customer.


"Price" shall mean the cost of the Goods as agreed between the Distributor and the Customer subject to clause 3 of this contract.



Any instructions received by the Distributor from the Customer for the supply of Goods and/or the Customer’s acceptance of Goods supplied by the Distributor shall constitute acceptance of the terms and conditions contained herein.


Where more than one Customer has entered into this agreement, the Customers shall be jointly and severally liable for all payments of the Price.


Upon acceptance of these terms and conditions by the Customer the terms and conditions are irrevocable.

Price And Payment


At the Distributor's sole discretion the Price shall be as indicated on invoices provided by the Distributor to the Customer in respect of Goods supplied


Time for payment for the Goods shall be of the essence and will be stated on the invoice or any other forms. If no time is stated then payment shall be due on delivery.


For domestic Customers, at the Distributor's sole discretion)
a) payment shall be due on delivery of the Goods
b) payment shall be made in instalments in accordance with the Distributor's budget plan. The Distributor's budget plan estimates the annual cost of the Customer's requirement. The Customer is required to make a 25% deposit before delivery and remit the balance by way of a monthly direct debit over a twelve (12) month period. The Distributor's budget plan is interest free.


For commercial Customers, at the Distributor's sole discretion;
a) payment shall be due on delivery of the Good
b) payment for approved Customers shall be made by instalments in accordance with the Distributor's payment schedule
c) payment for approved Customer's shall be due twenty (20) days following end of month of delivery of Goods.


Payment will be made by cash, or by cheque, or by bank cheque, or by credit card, or by direct credit, or by any other method as agreed to between the Customer and the Distributor.


VAT and other taxes and duties that may be applicable shall be added to the Price except when they are expressly included in the Price.

Delivery of Goods


At the Distributor's sole discretion delivery of the Goods shall take place when the Customer takes possession of the Goods at the Customer's address (in the event that the Goods are delivered by the Distributor or the Distributor's nominated carrier)


Delivery of the Goods to a third party nominated by the Customer is deemed to be delivery to the Customer for the purposes of this agreement.


The Distributor may deliver the Goods by separate instalments. Each separate instalment shall be invoiced and paid for in accordance with the provisions in these terms and conditions.


The Distributor shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused in accessing the delivery site beyond reasonable control of the Distributor (including, without limitation, damage to pathways, driveways and concreted or paved or grassed areas).


Goods will be delivered to the kerbside adjacent to the delivery site via hose and pump. If at the Customer’s request, the delivery vehicle leaves the road and enters the Customer's property to unload the Customer is responsible for providing suitable and safe access for the Distributor's delivery vehicle and agrees to indemnify the Distributor and its agents for all damage and injury to any person and to any public or private property which may result, including any costs associated with enabling the delivery vehicle to leave the property.


The Distributor will offload their delivery into the tank and/or storage facility designated by the Customer, their employee or agent. The Distributor shall not be liable for any claims, loss or damage whatever consequential to the Goods being offloaded into the wrong tank.


The Customer agrees to ensure the delivery site complies with Health & Safety regulations and not to allow any smoking or naked lights nor permit any stoves, electric or gas fires or radiators or any other naked flame to function in proximity to a tank or inlet pipe into which a delivery is being made or a vent pipe connected to such tank and will indemnify the Seller against any damages, injuries, claims or costs arising out of breach of this condition.



If the Distributor retains ownership of the Goods nonetheless, all risk for the Goods passes to the Customer on delivery.


If the Goods are damaged or destroyed following delivery but prior to ownership passing to the Customer, the Distributor is entitled to receive all insurance proceeds payable for the Goods. The production of these terms and conditions by the Distributor is sufficient evidence of the Distributor's rights to receive the insurance proceeds without the need for any person dealing with the Distributor to make further enquiries.



It is the intention of the Distributor and agreed by the Customer that ownership of the Goods shall not pass until:
a) the Customer has paid all amounts owing for the particular Goods
b) the Customer has met all other obligations due by the Customer to the Distributor in respect of all contracts between the Distributor and the Customer.


Receipt by the Distributor of any form of payment other than cash shall not be deemed to be payment until that form of payment has been honoured, cleared or recognised and until then the Distributor's ownership or rights in respect of the Goods shall continue.



The Customer shall inspect the Goods on delivery and immediately notify the Distributor of any alleged defect, shortage in quantity, damage or failure to comply with the description or invoice. The Customer shall afford the Distributor an opportunity to inspect the Goods within a reasonable time following delivery if the Customer believes the Goods to be defective in any way. If the Customer shall fail to comply with these provisions the Goods shall be presumed to be free from any shortage, defect or damage. For defective Goods, which the Distributor has agreed in writing that the Customer is entitled to reject, the Distributor's liability is limited to replacing the Goods.



Returns will only be accepted provided that:
a) the Customer has complied with the provisions of clause 8.1;
b) the Distributor has agreed in writing to accept the return of the Goods;
c) the Goods are returned at the Customer's cost within seven (7) days of the delivery date;
d) the Distributor will not be liable for Goods which have not been stored or used in a proper manner;
e) the Goods are returned in the condition in which they were delivered.


The Distributor may (in its discretion) accept the return of Goods for replacement but this may incur a handling fee as a percentage of the value of the returned Goods, to be advised in each case, plus any freight.

Customer Responsability


It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that their oil storage tank is free from sludge, dirt, particles or any other foreign bodies which, if present, may be disturbed during a delivery by the Distributor causing it to disperse into the fresh oil delivered by the Distributor. The Distributor will accept no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage to injector pumps or any other goods or equipment belonging to the Customer due to the displacement of sludge, dirt, particles or foreign bodies during a delivery.


It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that the Distributor delivers the Goods into the correct storage tank. The Distributor will not be liable in any way whatsoever for any claims, loss or damage including, but not limited to, loss of profit incurred by the Customer as a result of fuel being pumped into the incorrect storage tank.

Sale of Goods Act 1893 and Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980


This agreement is subject to the provisions of the Sale of Goods Act 1893 and the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 in all cases except where the Customer is contracting within the terms of a trade/business (which cases are specifically excluded)


Notwithstanding clause 10.1 nothing in this agreement is intended to have the effect of contracting out of any applicable provisions of the Sale of Goods Act 1893 (in particular sections 12-15), or the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980, or any laws or legislation governing the rights of consumers, except to the extent permitted by those Acts laws or legislation.


In particular where the Customer buys Goods as a consumer the provisions of Clauses 7 and 8 above shall be subject to any laws or legislation governing the rights of consumers.

Default & Consequences of Default


Interest on overdue invoices shall accrue from the date when payment becomes due daily until the date of payment at the legal rate.


If the Customer defaults in payment of any invoice when due, the Customer shall indemnify the Distributor from and against all costs and disbursements incurred by the Distributor in pursuing the debt including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis and the Distributor’s collection agency costs.


Without prejudice to any other remedies the Distributor may have, if at any time the Customer is in breach of any obligation (including those relating to payment), the Distributor may suspend or terminate the supply of Goods to the Customer and any of its other obligations under the terms and conditions. The Distributor will not be liable to the Customer for any loss or damage the Customer suffers because the Distributor exercised its rights under this clause.


If any account remains overdue after thirty (30) days then an amount of the greater of 20.00 or 10.00% of the amount overdue (up to a maximum of 200) shall be levied for administration fees which sum shall become immediately due and payable.


Without prejudice to the Distributor's other remedies at law the Distributor shall be entitled to cancel all or any part of any order of the Customer which remains unperformed in addition to and without prejudice to any other remedies and all amounts owing to the Distributor shall, whether or not due for payment, become immediately payable in the event that:
a) any money payable to the Distributor becomes overdue, or in the Distributor’s opinion the Customer will be unable to meet its payments as they fall due;
b) the Customer becomes insolvent, convenes a meeting with its creditors or proposes or enters into an arrangement with creditors, or makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors; or
c) a receiver, manager, liquidator (provisional or otherwise) or similar person is appointed in respect of the Customer or any asset of the Customer.

Safety Regulations


The Distributor's safety policy is governed by and subject to the provisions of the following Topaz Energy Limited Safety Data Sheets copies of which may be requested from the Distributor at any time:
a) Industrial Gas Oil – SDS No. DMC04009;
b) Shell Low Sulphur Diesel – SDS No. DMC04005;
c) Domestic Kerosene – SDS No. DMC04008.
d) Shell Unleaded 95 – SDS No. DMC04001

Gas/Diesel Oil


Winter Grade Gas/Diesel Oil is manufactured to a Cold Filter Plugging Point of minus 12¡C and maximum cloud point of 0¡C and as such is suitable for use in normal Winter conditions in Ireland provided it is not mixed with any oil not meeting the same specifications. Customers should take precautions to protect the equipment in which the oil is stored and used against severe weather conditions, including, but not limited to, keeping the equipment/piping in good conditions, cleaned and suitably protected and in the case of motor vehicles keeping them garaged when not in use



If any provision of these terms and conditions shall be invalid, void, illegal or unenforceable the validity, existence, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, prejudiced or impaired.


These terms and conditions and any contract to which they apply shall be governed by the laws of Ireland and are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Ireland.


The Distributor shall be under no liability whatever to the Customer for any indirect loss and/or expense (including loss of profit) suffered by the Customer arising out of a breach by the Distributor of these terms and conditions.


In the event of any breach of this contract by the Distributor the remedies of the Customer shall be limited to damages. Under no circumstances shall the liability of the Distributor exceed the Price of the Goods.


The Customer shall not be entitled to set off against or deduct from the Price any sums owed or claimed to be owed to the Customer by the Distributor.


Neither party shall be liable for any default due to any act of God, war, terrorism, strike, lock-out, industrial action, fire, flood, drought, storm or other event beyond the reasonable control of either party.