H2 Properties Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

By Corrib Oil | 22nd December 2023


The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference in the average pay and bonuses of men compared with women across an organisation. Female employees at H2are well represented throughout the business and are more likely to be part of the senior management team than their male counterparts.

We are also confident that the gender pay gap is minimal when we look at the organisation as a whole, across each of the quartiles. Two thirds of the workforce is female, and this divide is seen across all 4 quartiles.

H2 is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to providing equal pay for equal work. We will continue to monitor our performance in this area and seek to make improvements as necessary.


Gender Pay Gap Reporting

We operate in the retail sector and our workforce is predominantly female – 65%. 27% of the total workforce received a bonus compared 1% of both male and female staff have BIK.

Gender Pay and Bonus Pay Gap

An overall gap of 3.91% exists means that for every €1 a man earns a woman in the business can expect to earn 96.19c. The median is the figure that falls in the middle of a range where the salary of all relevant employees is listed, from the lowest to the highest. This can provide a more accurate representation of the ‘typical’ differences in pay, within H2 this shows that Males are paid 1.04% less than females. The part time workforce analysis shows that Males are paid 2.24% less on average than females and the median rate is 1.97% less for males compared to females.